C R A I G  E K E D A H L

R E A L T O R + A G E N T


I understand both the human side and the business side of a real estate deal.

Real Estate is about people. It's quality over quantity. I personally oversee and am involved in every aspect of your deal. 

I’ve always been a creative professional.  A sculptor and, for the last 12 years, a television producer.  As a producer, creating compelling stories from often normal lives is an enjoyable challenge.  Producing was a natural progression for me from sculpting.  Both are about building.  Something new and exciting from something routine.  Creating a narrative designed to get people where they want, or need, to be in the end.

Some time ago my wife and I started building our own story.  We purchased a wonderful house.  Our child grew up in that home and it is where some of my best memories were formed.  Sensing a soft spot in the market we have since purchased and sold nine properties of our own.  Many of those are multi-unit properties that we hold in our current investment portfolio; Income from them will help send our daughter to college and finance our retirement.  I love buying in Los Angeles.  Each neighborhood is different and unique and full of potential.  Our properties are scattered across the East Side and there isn’t one of them I wouldn’t live in myself.  

I’ve become a Realtor to help other people build their stories.  Whether it’s finding and buying their dream home, buying an investment property to provide some financial stability for the future or selling a house to take advantage of an up market… I’ve done it and I enjoy it!  It’s not always easy but when a great deal comes together or a person finds her forever home, it’s incredibly rewarding.   And it’s a great start to a brand new story. 

Craig Ekedahl
License 02017076


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